Browse Category: Strategy

Wordle Bulletin – Wordle #446(September 8, 2022)

Caveat: I am not to be confused with WordleGuru.  I am under my guru’s tutelage.
I am an average player.  My average “#of guesses required to solve a puzzle” score is pretty similar to that of New York Times’ WordleBot.

WordleGuru Grid

Wordle #446 September 8, 2022

Overall Summary: A moderately difficult one, due to 2 sets of “compound consonants” (CL and SS) and only 1 vowel.  NYT’s WordleBot score – 4.4*.  WordleBot score of 4.4 attests to the difficulty.

Structure: Not consistent with the most frequent construct (i.e., >50% frequency) – 1 vowel and 2 sets of double consonants.

Quality and the impact of the first two words:   Extremely effective since the seed word (ALERT) revealed two letters with one letter’s exact position (L) and the second word (COINS) revealed two letters in the correct positions (C and S).  These two words are from the triad – ALERT/COINS/PUDGY.

It is rare for the first two words to reveal 3 letters in exact positions. Only two possibilities remained after the first two words – CLAWS and CLASS.  Since Wordle target words, as a matter of practice, are not plurals (with an S at the end) we are left with the answer – CLASS.

Eliminate-not-Enumerate strategy: Didn’t have to employ.

Final Thoughts: My go to triad ALERT/COINS/PUDGY is looking better and better!  Also 2 of the 3 anagrams of COINS (ICONS, SCION) would not have been as effective.  SONIC would have been equally effective as COINS.

© 2022 Ashok Gupta All rights reserved.
Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.

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