Browse Category: Eliminate-Not-Enumerate

Wordle Bulletin #621 (March 2, 2023) — “One datapoint doesn’t make a trend. Need a few more!”


After a string of 4’s and 5’s finally a 3! It will take a lot of 3’s to get close to my aspirational goals.

Today’s Wordle:
Target Word: ABOVE
# Of Guesses: 4.0 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*, 3 for WordleGuru. 😊

Typical or atypical target word? — Atypical, it contains 3 vowels (A, O and E) but no compound consonant. The “norm” is 2 vowels and 1 compound/paired consonant.

Seed Word: STAIR – An old seed word, recycled.
What we learned from the Seed Word: The seed word revealed 1 letter (A), but not its position.

2nd word: CLONE (the “go-to” 2nd word with the new seed word);
It revealed the presence of O and E in the 3rd and 5th positions respectively. 4 possibilities at this stage — ADOBE, ABODE, AWOKE and ABOVE. I didn’t think ABODE is a common word.  So, I had 3 words to deal with.  Time to deploy the EnotE© strategy.

3rd word: ABOVE – I like to use one of the possible answers as an elimination word, if it makes sense.  My gutfeel was pointing towards ABOVE, so was the frequency data. Luckily ABOVE, if not the answer, would have ruled out one of the 2 – ADOBE and AWOKE.

Final thoughts: Wordle is a game of luck and skill.   Sometimes luck favors the game and sometimes it favors the player. Today luck was on my side.

I have used the following combinations at different times: ALERT/SONIC, SOARE/CULTI, STAIR/CLONE and ROATE/SULCI. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses.


My strategy, statistical facts and 3-word triads can be found by clicking on the following URL:

My “Go-to” Word Triad (Seed, 2nd and 3rd words), Strategy & Statistical Facts Sections for the Daily Bulletins – Wordle Guru

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