Browse Category: Eliminate-Not-Enumerate

Wordle Bulletin #634 (March 15, 2023) — “Regression to the mean!”

Today’s Wordle:
Target Word
# Of Guesses:
3.8 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*, 4 for WordleGuru ☹

Typical or atypical target word? — Typical, it contains 2 instances of the same vowel (E) and one compound consonant (SW). The “norm” is 2 vowels and 1 compound/paired consonant.

Seed Word: STARE – The “go-to” seed word starting March 8, 2023.
What we learned from the Seed Word: The seed word revealed 2 letters – S (in the 1st position) and E without revealing its position.  Too many possibilities at this stage. Need more discovery.

2nd word: CHOIL
(2nd word of the triad STARE/CHOIL/PUDGY): It didn’t reveal any letter.  Still, it was not all a wasted effort.  It narrowed the list of possibles to just 7 words, including several that are less commonly used – SEEPY, SEEDY, SEVEN, SPEED, SPEND, SWEEP, and SPEWY. It was time to deploy the EnotE© strategy.

3rd word: SPENDI prefer to use one of the possibilities as an elimination word, in the case luck is on my side and this word happens to be the target word!  SPEND did the job and led me to the target word – SWEEP.

Final Thoughts: Wordle is a game of luck and skill. Sometimes luck favors the game and sometimes it favors the player. Today luck was not in play.


My strategy, statistical facts and 3-word triads can be found by clicking on the following URL:

My “Go-to” Word Triad (Seed, 2nd and 3rd words), Strategy & Statistical Facts Sections for the Daily Bulletins – Wordle Guru

© 2023 Ashok Gupta All rights reserved.
EnotE © (Eliminate not Enumerate) is copyrighted by Ashok Gupta
Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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