Browse Category: Seed word

Wordle Bulletin #692 (May12, 2023) — “Hopefully, 4s and 5s are in the rear-view mirror, at least for a while!”

Today is the 10th day of using ROATE as the seed word. A time may be coming soon to switch the 1st and 2nd words of the triad (ROATE/SULCI/NYMPH).

Today’s Wordle:
Target Word
: SNACK (A-Typical – 1 vowel, 2 compound consonants)
# Of Guesses: 3.7
WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*, 3 for WordleGuru. 😊

Seed Word: ROATE: first word of the triad – ROATE/SULCI/NYMPH.
What we learned from the Seed Word: presence of one vowel (A) in the 3rd position, but no consonants.

2nd Word: SULCI (the 2nd word of the triad): since the seed word revealed only 1 vowel and majority of the Wordle words have 2 vowels, we needed to search for additional vowels.  Three possible answers (all orthographic neighbor words – ☹) at this stage – [SNACK, SMACK, and SHACK].

3rd Word: SNACK: Made the right guess.  Won the lottery today! 😊

Final Thoughts: Wordle is a game of luck and skill. Sometimes luck favors the game and sometimes it favors the player. Today luck was definitely in my corner. 😊


My strategy, statistical facts and 3-word triads can be found by clicking on the following URL:

My “Go-to” Word Triad (Seed, 2nd and 3rd words), Strategy & Statistical Facts Sections for the Daily Bulletins – Wordle Guru

© 2023 Ashok Gupta All rights reserved.
EnotE © (Eliminate not Enumerate) is copyrighted by Ashok Gupta
Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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