Browse Category: Seed word

Wordle bulletin – Week of December 11, ‘23 (12/11-12/17) (#905-#911)

Wordle #909 (December 15, 2023)
NY Times WordleBot average score: 3.8

Today’s tactics: The seed word was not very effective today. The objective of the second guess was to discover (DiscY©) more vowels and to confirm the position (Pcon©) of the letter T. I used BIONT for this purpose. It eliminated all but 4 words, one of which had already been used. The remaining three were – MOTIF, OPTIC, and TOPIC.  Chose TOPIC based on frequency data.  Thankfully it worked.


Wordle #908 (December 14, 2023)
NY Times WordleBot average score: 3.9

Today’s tactics: today’s seed word didn’t reveal any letters, but still provided a great deal of information. The objective of the second guess was to reveal vowels and consonants. The second guess (NOILY) proved to very effective since it eliminated all but three words – COULD WOULD and MOULD.  COULD had been used previously.  MOULD is spelled as MOLD in the US, Therefore, there was only one possibility remaining – WOULD.


Wordle #907 (December 13, 2023)
NY Times WordleBot average score: 3.5

Today’s tactics: after the seed word, nine possibilities, two of which had already been used previously leaving me with seven – SCENT, SETUP, SHEET, SLEET, SLEPT, SWEPT, and SPENT. It was time to deploy the EnotE© strategy.  I prefer to use one of the possibilities, if appropriate, as the elimination word. I picked SPENT based on frequency and usage data. Luckily it proved to be the answer.


Wordle #906 (December 12, 2023)
NY Times WordleBot average score: 3.4

Today’s tactics: after the seed word, three possibilities – THOSE, TENSE and THESE. THOSE had already been used in the past, so it came down to TENSE and THESE. Usage data pointed to THESE. Luckily it was the answer.


Wordle #905 (December 11, 2023)
NY Times WordleBot average score: 3.6

Today’s tactics: the seed word was moderately effective. The purpose of the second word was to confirm the position (PCon©) of the letter S and discover (DiscY©) additional letters. I chose DIPSO for these purposes. This word was not that effective since I was still left with 11 possibilities. I had to rely on usage data to pick from the 11.  I picked HOUSE. Luckily it worked.


© 2023 Ashok Gupta All rights reserved.
EnotE  (Eliminate not Enumerate) is copyrighted by Ashok Gupta.
PCon (Position Confirmation word) is copyrighted by Ashok Gupta.
DiscY (Discovery word) is copyrighted by Ashok Gupta.

Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The NYT Wordle players average score I refer to is as of sometime between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM pacific coast time (USA).


Useful facts:

Top 11 consonants in terms of frequency of use (in any of the 5 positions)
: R T L S N C H P D G M
Rank order of the 6 vowels (including Y) in terms of frequency of use (in any of the 5 positions): E A O I U Y
Typical Wordle word: 2 vowels (counting Y as the sixth vowel), 1 compound (ex KN)/paired consonant (ex NN)


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Strategy (as of July 1, 2023) – Wordle Guru

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