Browse Category: Seed word

Wordle Bulletin # 473 (October 5, 2022)


Target Word: MARSH
Typical Wordle Word Construct
: 2 Vowels and one or more compound consonants (seen with >50% frequency)
Today’s Wordle Word Construct: Atypical; Only 1 vowel (A)
# Of Guesses: 3.7 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*; 2 for WordleGuru

Seed Word: ARISE
Seed Word Revelations:
1 vowel (A) in its exact position and 2 consonants (R and S) – 1 in exact position
# Of Possible Solutions After the Seed Word: 4 – MARSH, HARSH, ROAST and RASTA 😊
Primary Objective for the 2nd word: Eliminate 3 of the four possibilities
Second Word: MARSH
Revelations from the 2nd word: Bingo – target word!

EnotE (Eliminate-not-Enumerate) Strategy deployment: I prefer to use one of the possibilities as the elimination word since this offers an opportunity to solve the puzzle right then and there.  Fortunately, today 3 of the 4 possibilities would have filled the role.  I needed to pick the most likely one.  I relied on frequency data to make my choice and it worked!

Final thoughts: LadyLuck was on my side today.  Also, WordleGod was not as fiendish today.  There was only 1 set of orthographic neighbors with only 2 words – HARSH and MARSH.
An anagram of ARISE – RAISE would have worked even better today.  It would have eliminated all possibilities but 2. That’s why we say Wordle is a game of luck and skill.

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*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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