Browse Category: Seed word

Wordle Bulletin # 475 (October 7, 2022)


Target Word: DANDY
Typical Wordle Word Construct: 2 Vowels and one or more compound consonants (seen with >50% frequency)
Today’s Wordle Word Construct: Typical; Only 2 vowels including Y (A and Y) and 1 compound consonant (ND)
# Of Guesses: 4.9 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*; 5 for WordleGuru

Seed Word: SOARE
Seed Word Revelations:
1 vowel (A) but not its exact position
# Of Possible Solutions after the Seed Word:>25

Primary Objective for the 2nd word:
Test for additional vowels (U and I) and 3 high frequency consonants (C, L, T)
Second Word: CULTI
Revelations from the 2nd word: None ☹
Primary Objective for the 3rd word: Reveal additional consonants (N, M, P and H) and test for Y
Third Word: NYMPH
Revelations from the 3rd word: One consonant and one vowel (N and Y) but not their exact positions.
# Of Possible Solutions after the 3rd word: 4 – NANNY, FANNY, DANDY, BANDY (two sets of orthographic neighbor words☹ (NANNY/FANNY and DANDY/BANDY)

EnotE (Eliminate-not-Enumerate) Strategy deployment: BANDY is not a common word so the choice was among the three NANNY, FANNY, and DANDY.  I wanted to use one of the three as the elimination word – either of NANNY or FANNY would have filled the role. I chose FANNY, it eliminated NANNY and pointed to the target word – DANDY.

Hindsight: UNITY would have been a better choice as the second word.  It includes the 3 vowels not present in the seed word (SOARE).  With this word as the second guess, I won’t have needed NYMPH as the third word.

Final thoughts: I was primed for “regression to the mean” after the last few days of low scores.

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*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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