Browse Category: Seed word

Wordle Bulletin # 510 (November 11, 2022)

My strategy is built to ensure I solve 95% of the puzzles in 4 guesses or less. It is not built to always shoot for the lowest score possible. The score depends a lot on the seed word. Wordle is a game of luck and skill.

Target Word: MEDAL
Typical Wordle Word Construct
: 2 Vowels and one compound/paired consonant (2 letters or 3 letters; seen with >50% frequency)
Today’s Wordle Word Construct: A-Typical; 2 Vowels (A, E), No compound consonant
# Of Guesses:  4 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*; 4 for WordleGuru

Seed Word: LASER; I looked at the last 3–5 Wordle words to decide among STARE, STALE, LASER and LATER. (A and E are the two highest frequency vowels; R, S, T, and L are the 4 highest frequency consonants.)
Seed Word Revelations: 1 consonant (L), 2 vowels (A and E) but not their exact positions
# Of Possible Solutions after the seed word: more than 75.   Regardless, it was time to investigate the possibility of deploying the EnotE strategy, even though they were so may possible answers.

Second Word
: CHANT; The goal was to confirm the position of A and search for the presence for 4 high frequency consonants. The result was disappointing since the only thing we learned was that A is not in the 3rd position. After the 2nd guess, there were only 19 possible solutions.

Third Word: IDEAL; The best elimination word I could think of was IDEAL since some words among the 19 had a 3rd vowel (predominantly I, not O, U or Y). IDEAL eliminated 17 of the 19 but left me with a “big mess” of having to deal with 2 orthographic neighbor words – PEDAL and MEDAL.

The frequency distribution data for P and M in the 1st position gave an edge to PEDAL. However, my “gut feel” was nudging me towards MEDAL. Luckily for me today “gut feel” was proven right. Yesterday, it was just the opposite – frequency data had won out.

LadyLuck was on my side. But Wordle God as usual played a trick with 2 orthographic neighbor words.

EnotE (Eliminate-not-Enumerate) Strategy deployment: Deployed right after the first word but needed two rounds of EnotE deployment. It worked moderately well since I had to rely on my “gut feel” which led me to the target word (with the help of frequency data)!! 😊

Final thoughts:  Wordle is a game of luck and skill. LadyLuck was in my corner today!  So much depends on the seed word.  It appears that my strategy of cycling through the 4 seed words based on the previous 3-5 Wordle words is working.

My other work you may find interesting
I write Rhyming Prose (Prose that rhymes). My work in this area can be found on my website, Rhyming Prose — … when a poem won’t do it!

I have also started writing free-verse poems, haikus and songs. My work in this area can be found on my website, Budding Poets Corner – Poet Laureates of Tomorrow


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Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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