Browse Author: Ashok Gupta

Wordle Bulletin # 504 (November 5, 2022)

My strategy is built to ensure I solve 95% of the puzzles in 4 guesses or less. It is not built to always shoot for the lowest score possible. The score depends a lot on the seed word. Wordle is a game of luck and skill.

Target Word: DREAM
Typical Wordle Word Construct
: 2 Vowels and one compound/paired consonant (2 letters or 3 letters; seen with >50% frequency)
Today’s Wordle Word Construct: Typical; 2 Vowels (E and A), One compound consonant (DR)
# Of Guesses:  3.6 WordleBot average per Marc McLaren*; 4 for WordleGuru

Seed Word: ALERT; I am rotating the seed word among my go-to words with two vowels. These are. ALERT/LATER /ALTER (anagrams), SALET/LEAST, ROAST, LOSER, STORE, and TIRES/TIERS
Seed Word Revelations: one consonant (R) but not its position; two vowels – E in 3rd position and A – position unknown
# Of Possible Solutions after the seed word: 14; The middle 3 letters were REA for all 15 words.

Second Word: RACKS; Since the seed word revealed the presence of 2 vowels, I didn’t feel the need to search for additional vowels. Instead, it was time to deploy the EnotE strategy. I didn’t think there was one single word to eliminate all but one words.  The best I could come up with is RACKS.  It eliminated all but four – [BREAD, DREAD], [DREAM, DREAR].  As you can see there are two sets of orthographic neighbor words.  I didn’t think DREAD and DREAR are “common” words, so I chose to ignore them.

Third Word: BREAD; I consulted the frequency charts and based on them I chose BREAD, not DREAM.  Unfortunately, LadyLuck was not on my side.  The target word is DREAM.  My gutfeel was that the target word is DREAM, but I let my rational side make the decision.  That’s why I say Wordle is a game of luck and skill.


EnotE (Eliminate-not-Enumerate) Strategy deployment: Deployed right after the seed word.


Final thoughts:  Wordle is a game of luck and skill. So much depends on the seed word.  Today the seed word eliminated all but 14 words. LadyLuck was not on my side though.  It favored DREAM although frequency wise BREAD should have been the answer.


Statistics corner: Compound consonants DR have only been used twice before – DRINK and DROLL.

My other work you may find interesting
I write Rhyming Prose (Prose that rhymes). My work in this area can be found on my website, Rhyming Prose — … when a poem won’t do it!

I have also started writing free-verse poems, haikus and songs. My work in this area can be found on my website, Budding Poets Corner – Poet Laureates of Tomorrow__________________________________________________________________________________________________
© 2022 Ashok Gupta All rights reserved.
Wordle and WordleBot are trademarks owned by the New York Times.

*The WordleBot score I refer to comes from Tom’s Guide by Marc McLaren.  Marc writes his post at around 7 AM U.K. time.
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